Our Honest Review of the Perfect Prep Machine by Tommee Tippee

There’s nothing quite as soul destroying as listening to your baby scream while you stare longingly at a 95 degree bottle of milk standing in a sink of cold water and beg it to cool quicker.

We mixed fed our eldest (who is now 5) from a couple of months of age and quickly learnt that a bottle making machine was a solid and worthwhile investment. We bought the first (non digital) Tommee Tippee Perfect Prep Machine back in 2015.

Our youngest is now 5 months and were still using that machine until it broke. Last week. 5 and a half years and thousands of bottles later. So that was good value. We immediately sought to replace it and realised that there’s a newer digital model of the Tommee Tippee Perfect Prep Machine – the “Day and Night.” So that’s what we got.

In this review, I’m talking largely about the newer digital Perfect Prep but there are some comparisons provided between the new and the old one too as the old one is still somewhat cheaper.

IMPORTANT NOTE: We bought the Perfect Prep ourselves. It was by no means gifted and this review is neither affiliated with Tommee Tippee nor incentivised by them.

Perfect Prep Day and Night Review in Summary

So the model we got was this one:

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The main selling point that Tommee Tippee appears to market with the Day and Night Perfect Prep machines is the fact they’re very quiet and therefore could even be used at night without disturbing people even if they’re sleeping in the same room.

We don’t use ours like that. But actually, yes, it could. It’s super, super quiet.

Uur overall rating is a solid 9 out of 10.

Pros and Cons – Tommee Tippee Perfect Prep Day and Night Machine

The quickest way to make perfect temperature bottle of formula for a baby – hands downWith the new version, you have to press the button 3 times for the “hot shot” and a couple of times again for the cooler water as it scrolls through instructions. This makes it actually a tad slower than the non digital version that pre dates it.
This one really is super quiet, particularly in comparison with the earlier modelThe same issue I found with the older one still applies with the Day and Night – when the tank needs filling you get a message to do so but then after refilling it, it seems to take AGES for the machine to register you have filled the tank. I say “ages.” I mean a minute or so. But that’s a long time when there’s a baby screaming. I was hoping that would have been sorted with the new version. Alas not.
Comes in black, white and other colours – nice to have the choice for an appliance that you might have on your kitchen units for a year or so!

How does the Perfect Prep Machine Work?

So the way these machines work in short is:

  • You put your formula powder into the bottle
  • Select on the machine what size of bottle you’re making
  • The machine then puts a shot of boiling water into the bottle
  • You take the bottle off the stand and shake up the powder gently into the formula
  • Return the bottle to the stand, give the command the machine tops it up to the appropriate size with filtered water giving you a sterile and perfectly body temperature bottle of milk

What’s the Difference Between the Day and Night and Older Perfect Prep Machines?

We initially bought our original version back in 2015 and, as we mentioned, it only died on us last week. We got more than 5 years out of it (one and off use of course). But we think that’s pretty excellent value for money.

The newer Day and Night Perfect Prep has some core differences:

  • It is much much much quieter than the original Perfect Prep machine
  • It has a digital display where you select the size of bottle and where you press the buttons to confirm you’ve put the formula in, bottle is back on the stand etc

The noise element is a really big improvement. I think the Day and Night would actually be quiet enough to take to your bedroom overnight if you really wanted convenient overnight bottle making facilities. With the first Perfect Prep machine we had, this definitely would not have been a possibility as it really was noisy.

Tommee Tippee Perfect Prep Price

At the time of writing, the older models start at £72 while the newer ones vary colour to colour, but go up to around £110. We paid £99.99 for our Perfect Prep Day and Night in White.

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And if you want the older model:

Tommee Tippee Ideal Prep Formula Feed Maker, Instant Baby Bottle Maker with Antibacterial Filter, White
The older version of The Tommee Tippee Perfect Prep Machine. As mentioned, ours lasted years and the only real downside to this one over the new one is the noise!


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