The weather has been amazing this week. The hot and sunny spell was well timed for us as we were up in the North East of England for a wedding.
On our return yesterday, it was a slightly different picture. The skies were grey – a thick, dark grey. And the forecast of heavy rain looked like it might well be accurate.
This, of course, was the time my toddler decided would be best to play in the sandpit in the garden. We had a conversation that went a bit like this:
Oliver: Garden?
Me: Sweetheart, it’s going to rain!
Oliver: Garden please?
Me: Oliver, we’ll get wet, baby. How about tomorrow morning?
Oliver: Garden now please, Mummy?
And on it went.. .
I love how much he loves being in the garden, so I relented. And that photo above is of him playing in his sandpit in the garden while the grey clouds threaten rain.
I love how little he cares about the weather.
It did rain a bit and we did get a bit damp. But he didn’t care and I didn’t either.